This site is dedicated to presenting insightful and helpful Christian Bible-based devotionals that may help one to lead a Christian life to the glory of the Heavenly Father and His Son.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

1 John 1:5 - God is Light

 God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. -- 1 John 1:5, World English.

Obviously the word "light" is being used figuratively, representing, in this instance, righteousness. God is the highest epitome of every true virtue and everything that is righteousness. He has nothing in him at all that is unrighteous, wicked. As new creatures, the child of God is righteous, and in this sense the child of God is also light. The new creature, however, in this age, has to perform righteousness by means of his sinful flesh, and thus the light of righteousness may not be fully seen in the flesh, since it often falls short of the glory of God. All such sin is covered by the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.

If we stay in fellowship with God as His children, we are assured that His Spirit will guide us in the path of righteousness through what he has revealed in the Bible. Thus, the child of God cannot walk in darkness as long as he is following what is revealed.